16years as the leader in fun in ft lauderdale
16years as the leader in fun in ft lauderdale

Best Little Nightclub In America
THE STAFF AND MANAGEMENT PRIDE THEMSELVES ON MAKING OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE THE MOST FUN YOU COULD POSSIBLEY HAVE WHILE @ CAPONES.......From the hottest shot girls on the planet, to the sexiest bartenders in south florida to the best drink special ever 3 for 1 drinks. Capones Has LEAD THE WAY in nightlife entertainment, teaching the big clubs how to do it, just plain old fashion hard work and a crazy promotional campaign we literally knock on every door in South Florida and personally invite you to be a part of the wild events that we throw, Capones owners stay crisp on the music, the design and
the products. We love to host charity events and always remember to say thank you to all our guest at the end of the night. never a cover and friendly doorstaff make Capones a place where people feel comfortable doin there own thing and party like a rockstar, with the addition of our new V.I.P. AND THE A BIG VARIETY OF CRAFT BEERS in the lounge Capones is doin it big in the market.look for lots of special guest djs bringing the party to a fever pitch every weekend..open 5 days a week til 4am and plenty of outdoor seating, downtown comes alive at CAPONES can't wait to see your there
For over 13 years capones has led the way in nightlife entertainment in south Florida thousands of people have gathered in the one place you always are guaranteed to have fun. The best deejays incredible cocktails the capones dancers nightly specials that make you shake your head. you just can't afford to miss this experience when your in ft Lauderdale because once you go you'll be hooked and want to go all the time open til 4am, 21 +
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